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ゲーム、プログラム技術、スッタニパータについて日本語と英語で書いていこうというブログ About games, programming, and Buddhism written in English and Japanese

なぜ240Hzモニタが必要か、あるいはなぜ「周期的ラグ」が発生するか Why We Need 240Hz Monitors Or What Causes "Input Lag Cycle"


Why we need 240Hz monitors and What causes "input lag cycle" look irelevant, but "over-queuing" causes both.



Over-queuing increases input lag when your framerate surpasses the refresh rate of your monitor and v-sync is on.


G-Sync 101からグラフを引用します。I quote "G-SYNC 101."

G-SYNC 101: G-SYNC Ceiling vs. FPS Limit | Blur Busters




The lag dramatically increases on "60 fps limit" and decreases on "59 fps limit." The difference is about 2.5 frames.



G-Sync is not the cause. You can get the decreased lag on G-Sync off. (But there's 0.5 frame difference)




240Hz goes in the same way but the lag is super small because of the high refresh rate.




When your frame rate surpasses the refresh rate, the system stores two completed frames. It causes two frames lag but it could avoid frame drops. It's called "over-queuing." *1




When your frame rate is inadequate, the completed frames are shown immediately after they are completed, so it decreases the lag. 



You need to limit your frame rate if you want to decrease the lag. In-game frame limitters are considered to be the best, but most games don't have them, and external frame limitters cause the lag unfortunatelly.



I recommend 240Hz monitors because most games can't achieve 240fps. It naturally decrease the lag.



Traditionally, inadequate frame rate causes frame drops. If a dropped frame contains a visual cue, your reaction delays 1 frame.



So I also recommend variable refresh rate monitors(G-Sync/FreeSync.) It doesn't drop frames.



G-Sync/FreeSync also prevents "variable input lag."



Input lag always varies when a game is not synced with the refresh rate.


最もラグが少ないのはV-Sync Offで画面描画を最大まで早くすることと考えられますが、ティアリングが発生して新しいフレームと古いフレームが混在することになります。

The least lag we can get could come from V-Sync off, but an old frame is mixed into a current frame.





If the lastest frame doesn't contain a visual cue, your reaction delays 1 frame. It causes a kind of a variable input lag.



In traditional VSync implementations, games wait for the refresh of monitors so ideally all the frames take 1/60 second and are shown 60 times a second. They are all even and there's no variable input lag.



In current VSync implementations, if the fps couldn't achieve the refresh rate, games wouldn't wait. And some games completely stop waiting for the refresh. It causes the variable lag.



Let's say a game has 61fps. The system stores a frame in 1 seconds as a lag increases to 1 frame. Eventually the system stores frames to it's limit and it must wait. If the system waits 1/60 second, it causes "input lag cycle."


Input Lag PS4 Results – Loïc *WydD* Petit – Medium



This chart shows that it waits more than 1 frame. I think this waits for the refresh 1 frame later. I think it should wait for the next refresh.


While it’s common knowledge that limiting the FPS below the refresh rate with V-SYNC prevents the over-queuing of frames, and thus majority of added input latency


G-SYNC 101: G-SYNC vs. V-SYNC w/FPS Limit | Blur Busters