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ゲーム、プログラム技術、スッタニパータについて日本語と英語で書いていこうというブログ About games, programming, and Buddhism written in English and Japanese

"これのおかげですごく体調がいいんです!"という感想とどう向き合うか/How to measure the impact of "I'm much healthier now thanks to this!"

承前: prev::

"健康にいい食べ物"とは何か What Are "Healthy Foods?" - 自己表現しつつ英語を勉強 Express Myself And Study English




TV commercials of healthy foods/supplements are aired every day which says "I'm much healthier thanks to this!" But statistically, those foods/supplements have no evidence that they are healthy.


ではCM出演者たちは嘘つきなのでしょうか? そうではないと思います。基本的に、どんな健康法であっても効いたという証言は出てきます。


Are they liars? I don't think so. Basically every health management method has anecdotes.




For example, acupuncture method has a lot of evidence that it doesn't work.

Acupuncture – Science-Based Medicine




Acupuncture actually has great benefits for users. If stress caused a pain, acupuncture could cure it. There are many papers that says QOL is improved, side effects of chemo-therapy are relieved and so on.




Why scientists believe it doesn't work is because placebo-needles, which causes pains like needles but doesn't punctuate, have the same effects.




It's effective but it doesn't work. How shoud we think about it?




I want to introduce another example. It's Yokukansan, one of Chinese-traditional-medicines.. They say Yokukansan has medical evidence.




Actually, Chinese-traditional-medicine have no evidence, like other traditional medicines in the world.




If you ask caretakers, you can get clear results that Yokukansan relieves abnormal activities of demented patients, but you can get the same results with placebo.






Yokukansan doesn't have medical effects, but caretakers have taken the benefits. If the goal of the medicine is to relieve caretakers stress, it's already achieved.




I think you can say "even though it doesn't have effects, if you can benefit from it, it's a good medicine" and "the helth insurance shoudn't apply to these false medicines." In my opinion, I don't like these false medicines.